Lane Clark Workshop Series

real. thinking learning assesment



where assessment meets thinking and learning ™

2 Day Workshop


2–day extension workshop: real thinking™is recommended
2 –day workshop: processes for learning™is recommended


Workshop_RealAssessmentA symbiotic relationship exists between thinking, learning and criterion-based formative and summative assessment and evaluation. Criteria, void of thinking, result in little more than quantity statements and/or statements of subjective quality language. Neither stretches the learner in his performance, and the latter results in confusion and often a need for moderation. When a learner is provided with criteria, but is not given the opportunity to develop deep knowledge and understanding of their elements through the infusion of learning process, the criteria use is compromised and the end result becomes so much less than it could be. It’s about the thinking process. It’s about the learning process. It’s about the relationship between assessment, thinking and learning. Indeed – it’s where assessment meets thinking and learning!

  • Would you like to design criteria that embeds rigor and promotes the development of deep knowledge and deep understanding?
  • Would you like to design completely, objective criteria that guarantee consistent judgments?
  • Would you like to develop criteria, which address the personalized needs of your learners?
  • Would you like your learners to independently self-assess, evaluate, set, monitor and prove goals against evidence?
  • Would you like to embed assessment criteria seamlessly into the design of cross – curricular, inquiry based, units?
  • Would you like to embed assessment criteria seamlessly into the design of subject specific lessons or units of study?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then this session is for you!


  • develop your understanding of the ‘critical characteristics of criteria’
  • use your new knowledge and understanding to develop criteria that is truly effective
  • develop your understanding of content, skill and process criteria as distinctly different types of criteria
  • develop your understanding of the relationships that exist between content, skill and process criteria
  • use your new knowledge and understanding to develop criteria for content, skills and processes
  • develop your understanding of how to effectively use criteria with your learners
  • address and alleviate concerns/challenges associated with criteria use
  • explore the relationship between brain research and assessment and evaluation practices
  • explore the relationship between thinking and learning, assessment and evaluation
  • develop your understanding of rubrics
  • use your understanding to develop effective rubrics
  • explore a process which guides learners toward the independent development of criteria
  • explore the concept of student written report cards
  • explore a process that facilitates student owned and completely led interviews

NOTE: Because effective assessment and evaluation is inextricably linked to pedagogical practice, it is recommended that the workshops associated with changing practice, be experienced prior to engaging in this professional learning opportunity. However, many educators, who are keen to reflect upon their approach to assessment and evaluation in relation to pedagogy, have made the decision to attend this workshop prior to the completion of those recommended. You are most welcome should you feel that this is the right workshop at the right time for you!