Lane Clark Workshop Series

real. thinking learning assesment



thinking based literacy




Workshop_ThinkingBasedLiteracyWhen learners struggle to retain their learning or transfer their learning to different contexts – these could be symptoms of much more fundamental problems.

Learners may not have processed the learning; and/or they have not successfully locked the new learning into long-term memory. Both can be rectified when teachers better understand the relationship between working memory and long term memory; and the relationship between the thinking process and learning process.

Are you struggling to develop a coherent approach to the teaching of literacy that is engaging and exciting for your students?

Are your students struggling to write high quality texts?

Do you want to use your time to prepare your students for Naplan(or another standardized type test) more productively?

Do you want to focus on teaching learners how to think and how to learn, through a holistic and authentic approach that is achievable and measurable?

If you answered yes to any of these questions – this workshop is for you!


  • explore how working memory and long term memory work together to enable learners to lock in their learning, and ultimately transfer it to new situations
  • develop your knowledge and understanding of how learners process new information
  • learn what teachers unintentionally do to limit cognitive processing and long term memory storage
  • explore a suite of tools and strategies that promote the deliberate processing of new learning; and encourage the development of deep knowledge, and deep, enduring understanding
  • develop strategies to strategically and explicitly guide learners in their cognitive processing, at levels commensurate with their individual abilities
  • investigate a process that guides learners in the explicit deconstruction of persuasive texts so that they are able to construct their own QUALITY persuasive texts (this process is transferable to all text types)
  • explore a sequence of thinking tools that strategically and developmentally guide students to deeply learn the punctuation and language features associated with persuasive texts
  • walk away with a range of teaching and learning strategies and tools that focus on the writing of quality persuasive text (the structural elements and associated punctuation and language features)

NAPLAN (or other standardized test) will become a mere celebration of the learning when deep knowledge and understanding; and long term memory storage, become a reality!